Extremely Low Income ($0.00 to $14,150.00)
This is 82% of our clients/families fall under this income level
The Valley Community Pantry has been a major resource for those in need in the San Jacinto Valley and surrounding cities since 1965. Our organization receives more percentage of inquires through the “211” County Resource Agency than other agencies in Riverside County. We are run by an Executive Director/CEO, a team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers (Volunteers are a major component to the success of our organization), and we have a Board of Directors and a Board of Governance. We have had 4 Executive Directors and many dedicated and caring people from our community who have served on the Board of Directors and volunteered throughout our history. Currently we average over 1500 volunteer hours every month.
The Valley Community Pantry was established in 1965 by Reverend Roy Schippling of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd located here in Hemet. As its mission grew and the needs of the local community increased, the Valley Community Pantry became an important resource in this valley and to the County of Riverside. In 1992, the Valley Community Pantry received its certification as a non-profit 501(c)3, providing charitable tax deductions to our supporters. Some research was done by Mike Schippling, the son of Reverend Roy Shippling, and his research showed that the Valley Community Pantry may have been the first or second food pantry in Riverside and possibly Southern California.
Throughout the year, the Valley Community Pantry works with many local stores, businesses, other resource agencies, service organizations, churches and schools to sponsor events to collect staple food and raise funds that are vital to our operation. We receive over 750,000 pounds of donated food from our community every year. During the holiday season the needs of our community are greatest. If you would like to schedule a food drive or fund-raising event, please contact us.